Find our more about the contributors to our forthcoming STASIS anthology, edited by Libby Graham.
Framework of the Human Body Virtual Launch

Join us on February 11 for an online reading to launch the Framework of the Human Body anthology!
Saturday, February 11, at 2pm PST
Online via Zoom
Register to attend the event here:
Readings by:
Jessica Lee McMillan, Desiree Jung, J.W. Wood, Kali Meister, Dawn Macdonald, Alejo Rovira Goldner, Catherine Mwitta, Rachel Lachmansingh, Emma Kvetna
About Framework of the Human Body:
An anthology of writing about the human body and what it carries
This anthology is about the untold stories we carry on our skin and in our bones: a shoulder blade, a brain, a womb… At some point in our lives, we look in the mirror and suddenly notice our bodies in a sort of visceral way.
The writers in this collection tell stories of these moments. From fiction about an AI nanny with Alzheimer’s disease, to an essay about reading Andre Dubus II during postpartum depression. From a poem about food diaries, to a script about slowly vanishing body parts. The range of storytelling in Framework of the Human Body all connects with the physical oddity of bodies and the sacrifices we make to keep them intact.

Fiction | Non-fiction | Poetry | Scripts
5.25 x 8 inches | 172 pages
Trade paperback | ISBN 978-1-7387167-1-5
November 2022
Rituals Virtual Launch

Join us on February 4 for an online reading to launch the Rituals anthology!
Saturday, February 4, at 4pm PST
Online via Zoom
Register to attend the event here:
Readings by:
Toti O’Brien, Karuna Mistry, Angela Acosta, Livia Meneghin, Eileen Dolan, Jane Rosenberg LaForge, Gabby Gilliam, Julie Fleming Wickham, Valerie Anne Burns, Summer Christiansen, Alex Carrigan, Brianna Cunliffe, Sarah E. Azizi
About Rituals:
An anthology of poetry and nonfiction exploring the presence and significance of ritual
Grinding beans for a morning cup of coffee, taking your medicine, or reciting a prayer—rituals are the clockwork meditations in our lives. The writers of this anthology explore what it means to participate in this act, which can range from a tuned-out meditation or a deeply thoughtful engagement with your body and mind.
Whether sacred or secular, the stories in Rituals provide a point of connection to the world beyond us, and invite us deeper into ourselves: a poem about greeting an acquaintance at Target while dealing with grief, or an essay about taking testosterone every Sunday. When we take a step back and examine our lives, we find that our existence is woven together by rituals: the simple acts that ground us through the constant flux of being human.

Poetry | Non-fiction
5.25 x 8 inches | 108 pages
Trade paperback | ISBN 978-0-9948127-7-3
November 2022
Kickstarter for fall books closing soon
Please help share the Kickstarter for our fall books and help us reach our goal!
Kickstarter now live!
Our first two books are well underway, and we’ve just launched a Kickstarter pre-sale to help bring them to life.